Wednesday 11 December 2013

Download Apple’s 12 Days Gifts App Now To Get Notification of Free Gift

We’re now firmly into that time of year where people start panicking about what they should be buying for their loved ones, and Apple will no doubt be hoping that at least one of those gifts has a perfectly crafted Apple logo on the back. Already preparing for the raft of new iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners that will no doubt be scurrying towards the App Store come December 25th, Apple’s has made its ’12 Days of Gifts’ app available on the App Store – a full two weeks early.

The freebies will range from video content and audio tracks to apps depending on the day in question, and each gift will be available for 24 hours only, so if you want to make sure you’re up-to-date on your free stuff, you’ll want to check the app every day. Once you’ve downloaded the item in question though, you’ll be able to download it for free whenever you want.

Go and download the ’12 Days of Gifts’ app from the App Store now, and get ready for the Christmas cheer to take over. Or something.

Download here - 12 Days of Gifts for iOS on the App Store


source : redmondpie

Tweaks : Liberty (bypass jailbreak detection on iPhone)

Hi semua, developer for iphone Mr Ryley telahpun develop 1 useful tweaks utk iphone yg telah di jailbreak. Aku ada pm beliau mohon masuk...