Saturday 26 April 2014

MADFINGER Games has some FREE gifts for YOU! (DEAD TRIGGER 2)

Easter is here and MADFINGER Games has some FREE gifts for YOU! Forget ordinary eggs, claim the Easter-kill Pack for free and help zombies to die faster! 

Enjoy a new experience with 24H Speed Booster and no zombies will ever get away. When you die in Dead Trigger 2, use Second Chance (Revive Kit) to stand up and fight some more. If you ever run into a big zombie crowd, don't hesitate to use your newly claimed grenades and enjoy zombie fireworks! Got some injuries? Well, Easter Painkillers will help you anytime. 

Voucher for Easter-kill pack: 2tam-hud9-xvo4 

How to validate the code in Dead Trigger 2 game?
Open Dead Trigger 2 (version 0.5.0 required)
Log in with your account
Click on the Options "gear button" (top right in Hideout)
Click on "Redeem Voucher"
Enter the code and click on "REDEEM VOUCHER"
Pretty nice, huh? Do you want more? Share the voucher with your friends! Record your gameplay, post it on YouTube, Facebook, Everyplay etc. and send us a link with your awesome video to - we will reward you with another Easter-kill pack! 

Voucher for Easter-kill pack is valid only until Friday 25th April, 23:59 PM PST!‏

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