Thursday 15 May 2014

iPhone/iPad Application : ProCam 2 For iPhone Goes Free Now!

Given the sheer volume of camera and photography-centric apps available throughout the App Store, finding those proverbial diamonds in the rough can be a tricky task. But the app we’re featuring here today is not only one of the better offerings currently knocking about for those on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, but also – for a very limited time – has shaken off its usual price tag and can be snapped up free of charge.

Named ProCam 2, it lives up to its name in that it offers a versatile range of features and functions in order to promote its “pro” credentials. It’s fair to say that the stock Camera app offers only a very bare-bones experience, with no speakable features for enhancing the shot, but ProCam 2 is a completely different animal, and should be the only third-party camera app your could ever want.

As well as an abundance of basic shooting modes including timer, night mode and level mode, there are also plenty of special effects that can be utilized to tweak that perfect shot. You’ve got an array of live lenses, including vignette, macro, ripple and hatched, as well as another 32 of those ever-popular filters to add to the eight available at stock level, which, as the math-minded among you will have already worked out, brings your your total haul of filters up to an impressive 40.


Source : RedmondPie

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